April 18, 2016 admin

KS-NE Christian Women’s Retreat – “Journey”

October 21, 2016 – October 23, 2016 all-day
Quality Inn & Conference Center
7838 US-281
Grand Island, NE 68803
Sue Carlson

With main speaker Melissa Howell, author and Family Life Pastor at Carmichael Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sacramento, California.

Adult Breakout Seminars

  • “Hold on Help is On the Way!!!” with Pearl Bryant: In our increasingly hectic world, where everything is changing, the basic job description of an effective parent remains the same. We were not designed to handle the amount of stress our modern life dumps on us. Sometimes it feels like we’re forced to parent in our spare time, after meeting the demands of work. This is not God’s design; He has something better for you and your child. Come and learn some practical parenting strategies can help you reconnect with your child.
  • “Put your oxygen mask on first!” with Tanya Sandoval: Do you find yourself running around taking care of everyone, your spouse, children, parents, siblings or friends and find that you have no “me time”? Join Tanya to learn why you need to slow down and take care of your physical, emotional and spiritual self so you can better help others, and the tools God gave us to do so.
  • “Understanding How God Connects With Me – Growing in Him” with Linda Becker
  • “Domestic Violence” with Deb Flowers
  • “Your Story Matters” with Trina Cress: You have a story worth telling. The ways you hurt, and the ways God has healed. The challenges you’ve faced, and the ways God has helped you overcome. Learn why your story matters, ways to write and share it, and how to find and offer freedom in Jesus in the retelling.
  • “Seasons of a Woman’s Life: Who I Am in Christ” a Panel Discussion with Becky Gustafson & Tori Henton: Gather with us for a panel discussion with women from young adult to the golden years as we share and explore your questions about each season of the journey.
  • “Fun & Fashion: Free to Be Me!” Fashion Show: Nadja van den Hoven from Lincoln Will be hosting a fashion show and helping us with our lovely figures with her fall line of Cabi clothing. These will look fabulous on ladies of all ages!

Teen Breakout Seminars

  • Becky Gustafson-“Bible Art Journal”: Don’t let the word art scare you. Come and learn how to make Bible journaling fun and creative. We will be breaking out the color pencils and pens for tips and practice as we make Bible study time personal.
  • “The Blurred Line: Sex, Purity, & Social Media” with Tori Henton & Pearl Bryant: Have you ever wondered How far is too far? Have you ever thought It’s not really sex if we only…? Come chat with us as we discuss real questions on the boundaries of purity, sex and social media. Listen to a personal testimony, be guided on the emotional and psychological effects of sex and media, and consider real life scenarios. Then, stick around for a bonus Q & A on your hardest purity questions. (Written anonymously!)
  • “Love your #selfie” with Chere Wehling: Join us for a fun, interactive seminar as we learn to love our #selfie as Christ first loved us! #weallhaveissues #jesuslovesme #laughterisbestmedicine #nostinkinthinkin